Isaac Johnson

Issac Johnson

What’s your name, major and where are you from?

Isaac Johnson (He/Him), Mechanical Engineering, Keizer, OR 

Do you have any dreams after college? 

My greatest ambition is to become financially independent and eventually buy my mama a home of her own, but I've also always wanted to travel around the world, learn about different cultures, and broaden my mind to new ways of living and being.  

Are you a part of any clubs, sports, or student organizations? Do you have a job?

I'm involved in a number of organizations on campus. I am currently the President of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), also known as the Divine 9. I am the Public Relations Officer for the ÐÔ¸£±¦ chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers. Lastly, I am the Secretary for the Iota Iota Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. I work at Best Buy in Salem and occasionally pick up shifts in athletics working during games or other events, so if you see me feel free to say hi!  

What’s your favorite college memory you’ve made so far? 

I’ve made many great memories in my first two years of college, but by far my favorite was my New Member Presentation when I joined my fraternity. It was an experience that I’ll never forget as long as I live. 

How do you want to make a difference in our community? This could be current or in the future. 

My long-term goal is to contribute to the growth and development of the ÐÔ¸£±¦ community, so students of all ethnic backgrounds feel welcomed. It can be difficult for students of color to feel like they 'fit in' at a predominantly white institution when no one in their 300-person lecture looks like them. I want to make a difference by continuing the work of those who came before me, supporting my brothers and sisters, and growing our small but great and powerful Black and African American community.  

If you could give one message to incoming freshmen, what would you say? 

Meet new people, join clubs and organizations, get to know your professors, ask questions, introduce yourself to others regardless of how intimidating it may be, and always be kind to others.  

In the next year of your life, what do you look forward to most?  

The main thing I’m always the most excited about is the growth of myself and the people around me. So much can happen in such a short amount of time that often it's hard for us to stop and reflect on our own personal growth.  

If you could deliver one message to your peers, what would you say? 

If you want it, go get it by any means necessary.