Ashli Quintela

Ashli Quintela

"I want to make a difference and show more people that it is possible to grow and to get to this point within your life, even if it may feel as though it isn’t at whatever point you may currently be on your journey. We have got this."

What’s your name, major and where are you from?

My name is Ashli Quintela. 5th year Human Development and Family Sciences with a minor in Ethnic Studies. Born in Lansing, Michigan and raised in Planada, California.

Why did you choose this picture?

I think an important highlight is the Champinefu Lodge is here for the students of ÐÔ¸£±¦ and the community. There's an abundance of resources that are readily available, it's just a matter of asking and reaching out for support! There's never any judgment, only kindness and good people ready to help in any way that they can towards ensuring your success.

Tell us about your time at ÐÔ¸£±¦ so far?

ÐÔ¸£±¦ was the last application that I filled out when it came to applying for colleges. But when I decided to visit this school the following March, I fell completely in love with everything that Corvallis had to offer, including the on again off again rainy season. My time at ÐÔ¸£±¦ has ben long lived, I’ve gone through EIGHT different majors throughout the years I’ve been here, and yes.. Eight. But have finally found the college that makes me happy and I’m nearing the end.

Are you part of any clubs, sports, or student organizations?

  • Black Student Union
  • OSU Rock Climbing Club
  • TRiO SSS

What kind of work do you do currently?

At this point in time I am a shift supervisor at the local Starbucks. Please be nice to all your barista’s, we all work super hard to caffeinate our beautiful home and the people here! I am also a Site Coordinator for SMART Reading at Clemens and Philomath Elementary. Overseeing volunteers throughout our program during reading sessions we hold for kids in Pre-K through the 3rd grade.

Do you have any dreams after college?

Dreams after college are the basic things like paying off my student loans and still being able to make all my bills. But all that comes with time. The biggest dream I have at this moment is to find a job that actually relates to my degree.

How do you want to make a difference in our community? This could be current or in the future.

I want to make a difference and show more people that it is possible to grow and to get to this point within your life, even if it may feel as though it isn’t at whatever point you may currently be on your journey. We have got this.

In the next year of your life, what do you look forward to most?

I’m looking the most forward to being able to say that I made it. I want to say I got the most during my college experience and I am grateful for the moments, the people, and the space to love myself and who I have become.

Is there anything you’re passionate about? How does this apply to your work or impact in your community?

Rock climbing has become a recent passion of mine over the past year. I was fortunate enough to actually fall in love with it right as an organization, Corvallis Climbers of Color was created. Even more lucky to become the Program Outreach Coordinator for it and to create community events for the members outside of climbing to create a tighter bond, as well as the community aspect. The rock climbing community itself is overall extremely dominated by white people. It is intimidating for a person of color, new to the sport to begin to test the waters with diving into a sport such as this. The Corvallis Climbers of Color provides a safe space for POC to be together, learn the ins and outs of bouldering, and to have fun with people who look like you do!